Launch of ESRI report

Deep End Ireland Clinical lead Dr Bríd Shanahan represented the Deep End at a panel discussion to launch the ESRI report- COVID-19 infection rates and social disadvantage in Ireland: An area-level analysis. A link to the report is at the end of this post

The report found that the average infection rate for COVID 19 was over 50 per cent higher in the most deprived areas. Even when area-level factors are controlled for, they found that the most deprived areas had infection rates more than a third higher than more affluent areas. At the launch event possible causes and contributing factors for this were discussed by the panel. For example, over crowded housing, multiple generations in one home, lack of space for isolation, people in areas of deprivation working in "front line" jobs such as retail, transport etc. This report clearly demonstrates that the social determinants of health play an important role in patient wellbeing, particularly in the context of the pandemic. This adds to the evidence that social inequities need to be tackled in order to improve overall health outcomes. 

COVID-19 infection rates and social disadvantage in Ireland: An area-level analysis


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