Welcome to Deep End Ireland. We are a group of GPs working in disADVANTAGED AREAS OF IRELAND.
inverse care law
The inverse care law states that “The availability of good medical care tends to vary inversely with the need for it in the population served. This inverse care law operates more completely where medical care is most exposed to market forces, and less so where such exposure is reduced. ” i.e. those who most need good health care are the least likely to receive it. In Ireland this is particularly true for General Practice in areas of deprivation. There are more patients per GP in areas of deprivation. These patients have significantly higher needs than patients in more affluent areas resulting in poorer quality of care.
Tudor Hart, J. (1971). "The Inverse Care Law". The Lancet.
Health equality vs equity
Health equality means equal provision of services. Health equity results in services being provided based on need and not just on a per capita basis. Currently in Ireland there is a flat distribution of many public services across the country despite there being a greater need for services in more deprived communities. Deep End Ireland advocates for distribution of resources based on need. Image ©2017 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
mission statement
Our vision is abolition of the inverse care law in Ireland so that each citizen has access to services based on need.
Our mission is to achieve health equity through advocacy and research while also supporting those GPs who are currently working in the Deep End.
research & publications
Get in Touch
If you have an interest in collaborating, please provide your details and we will reach out to you soon. We look forward to your message!